As the construction industry gears up for the next stage of its restart plan, the Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum, has produced a pack of free practical signage to help with the safe return to work.
Designed for sites, depots and offices, the 20 open source documents include essential posters, checklists and factsheets for on and off-site use, outlining in comprehensive detail how to manage the restart while keeping staff safe.
The resource also features a downloadable PowerPoint Toolbox Talk which takes employers and employees through the new restrictions and workplace etiquette that must be observed.
The documents can be downloaded and printed off in A3 or A4 size, and can also be adapted for individual use, with space left for company logos and contact details to be added.
Rebecca Crosland, Health and Safety Advisor at Forum member the Building Engineering Services Association, says, “The Forum’s Health and Safety Sub-Committee is aware that many people will be unsure about exactly what actions they need to take to ensure they are up to date with the guidance.
“This return to work pack spells out, step-by-step, the new rules and the new ways of working which everyone will have to adopt in order to get the industry back on its feet and delivering a service for its clients and the country.”
The new pack was launched after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced a move to Phase 2 of its four-phase route map out of lockdown on June 18. The announcement means Scotland’s construction sector can move into Phase 3 of its own phased six-step restart plan from Monday June 22, subject to ongoing consultation with government.
The Forum collateral will now help with this return, with the 32-page PowerPoint designed to be used as a Toolbox Talk to share practical guidance about physical distancing, travelling to work, general hygiene, close working, PPE and eating and toilet arrangements.
Iain Mason, Director of Membership and Communications at SELECT and Chair of the Communications Sub-Group on the CICV Forum, comments, “The objective of this latest initiative is to safeguard everyone in our industry and to work together to protect our wider community and families.
“The return to work pack provides a basis from which companies can establish safe working practices which will allow them to create a plan of action to get sites up and running again and bring their people back to a new era of safe operation.”
The information pack is the latest in a series of initiatives from the Forum, which has been at the forefront of information dissemination to the sector throughout the COVID-19 crisis, and which has become for many enterprises the first port of call for clarity of advice.
The Forum, made up of trade associations, professional services bodies, companies and individuals, stepped into the fray immediately in March with advice on how to operate safely while carrying out emergency or essential work.
It has since then been drawing on the collective expertise of its members to maintain a steady supply of information and practical advice to the sector as well as carrying out surveys, producing animations and posters, hosting webinars and making appeals to Government Ministers.
The restart pack can be downloaded here.