NVQ Level 3 Qualification in Power Supply and Distribution Cabling

Excellence Achievement and Learning (EAL) has announced the launch of a new NVQ Level 3 certificate for Cabling and Jointing following work by the JIB Cabling and Jointing Committee to develop recognised qualification routes in the sector.

The EAL L3 Certificate in Power Supply and Distribution Cabling is an occupational qualification for learners who work in the electrotechnical industry carrying out either power supply distribution cabling or cable jointing and require a formal qualification to facilitate progression to becoming industry recognised in their role.

The content was created from working with cabling and jointing contractors, the ECA, Unite the Union, the Joint Industry Board (JIB) and the Electrotechnical Certification Scheme (ECS) through the JIB Cabling and Jointing Committee. This new qualification is available from September 2020 and the JIB will continue this work to help training providers and colleges deliver this qualification route.

John O’Sullivan, Managing Director of TA Ronan Cabling and Jointing and Chair of the JIB Cabling and Jointing Committee, explains, “This is really good news for companies and individuals alike who are carrying out cable installations or cable jointing. Gaining industry recognition in their occupation was a goal the Cabling and Jointing Committee set itself, and the achievement of that goal gives companies and individuals the chance to validate their competencies and recognise the skilled nature of their work.

“It also gives newcomers to our sector of the industry a clear and defined career and learning pathway. The qualification provides a flexible approach for learners to gather evidence of their safe working from carrying out their occupational role. On behalf of the committee and our sector of the industry, I would like to thank Andy Reakes of the JIB and Richard Clarke of Unite for their hard work and commitment to the cause.”

Since its formation in 1989, the Cabling and Jointing Committee has worked to strengthen this specialised sector of the industry. The launch of this qualification route for the sector is the culmination of a series of projects to create a recognised career progression route for Cabling and Jointing that has recently included a new industrial relations Cable Agreement, new ECS card occupations and grading, and the launch of the NET Assessment of Occupational Competence in LV Cable Jointing.

Richard Clarke, National Apprenticeship Officer at Unite the Union, has been involved in this work for several years as a Committee member. He comments, “The JIB facilitated extensive discussions between cabling and jointing contractors, the union’s M&E Combine, shop stewards committees and officers on all of these aspects. Furthermore, the new Level 3 pathway for Cable Jointing, alongside the NET Assessment of Occupational Competence for LV Cable Jointing, are an excellent development to assist in the training of a new generation of jointers in this essential safety critical electrotechnical occupation.

“Alongside the NET Assessment of Occupational Competence for LV Cable Jointing, this has been something much needed for some time, and is a very welcome development in this essential safety critical electrotechnical occupation. Importantly, the new pathways meet the Construction Leadership Council One Industry Logo and CSCS Partner Scheme requirements under ECS, for increased safety and skills competency in UK construction and the built environment.”

Clarke concludes, “Unite looks forward to working further with the JIB Cabling and Jointing Committee on the development of specialist advanced apprenticeships in both cabling and jointing occupational disciplines, giving young people an opportunity to develop a career in this vitally important part of the wider UK electrical contracting, infrastructure and engineering construction.”

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