The third Recolight webinar in the Lighting and the Circular Economy series is scheduled for 15 September at 11am.
It will look at the next steps the lighting industry needs to take to move towards a Circular Economy. This will follow on from the presentations and discussions during the first two webinars.
In the first webinar, Defra, Lighting Europe and Recolight presented new regulations and standards for lighting. In the second, presenters challenged lighting producers to be more sustainable and presented solutions to enable this.
Introducing and chairing the webinar series is Ray Molony, Online Editor for LuxReview. Ray, a strong advocate of moving towards a sustainable industry. He says, “It’s vital that the industry has a meaningful dialogue with its customers and other stakeholders about how we play our role in fixing our wounded planet. Inevitably, there will be extra costs associated with sustainable and circular economy measures, and we need to address these honestly and holistically.”
Helen Loomes, Business Development Director at Trilux Lighting, will present Repro-light – a European research project that aims to support the European lighting industry in moving towards a more sustainable and competitive future.
She comments, “As part of the global community, we all have to look very seriously at our legacy and adjust how we live now. We aim to inform ourselves of the very best way to a sustainable future, so research is a key factor here. When we truly investigate, without prejudice or assumptions, the results can be surprising. We want to share this information and work with the whole community to jointly make a difference.”
Michael Grubb, Creative Director, will share the success of his studio’s Re:lit project. A project that since 2014 has taken second-hand lighting equipment that would be sent to landfill and put them in a new environment to be used.
Owain Griffiths is Head of Circular Economy Strategy at Oakdene Hollins. They support organisations and policy makers transitioning to a circular economy. He will discuss the size, barriers, and opportunities to deploying a Circular Economy model.
William Skeates, Senior Compliance and Sustainability Manager at Sky will share their sustainability governance and objectives. The Circular Economy model is just one enabler of Sky’s business goal to be carbon zero by 2030.
Nigel Harvey, Recolight CEO, says, “Recolight had originally planned to run a one day Circular Economy workshop in London. But lockdown meant that had to change, and we took the decision to run webinars instead. More people have been able to attend. Lower costs meant we could make attendance free of charge. And no delegate or speaker travel significantly reduced our carbon footprint – so vital in the current climate crisis. The result has been excellent – thanks both to our speakers, and particularly to the direction provided by Ray Molony.”
The Webinar concludes with a panel discussion addressing the end user; their expectations, requirements, and how the lighting industry should position themselves with a Circular Economy model.
The webinar is free to join. To register, click here.