Debunking the myths around the latest changes to electrical installation regulations for several years will be the focus of a free talk hosted by BG Electrical at Screwfix Live this month.
Surge protection expert Robin Earl will be at the event in Farnborough on September 29 to talk to electrical contractors about how to they can adapt to the incoming IET Wiring Regulation changes in January and turn them into a business opportunity.
According to Robin, among of all the changes in the regulations, known in the trade as the 18th Edition, surge protection was the most talked about.
“Installers have historically avoided surge protection and there is now resignation that they have to take it seriously,” explains Robin, who is the marketing development manager at surge protection specialist DEHN and sits on the IET standards committee that looks at surge protection, as well as on the working group for foundation earthing.
“For some, it is a lack of confidence that they have the skills to undertake the required risk assessments and installations, but my aim will be to overcome these concerns and explain how the new regulations are in fact an opportunity to upsell surge protection and explain to customers how important it is to protect homes, businesses and organisations as they become smarter and increasingly reliant on technology to function effectively.”
“The changing of the regs makes surge protection an increasingly important part of any future electrical installation, along with a more comprehensive risk assessment regime,” adds Paul Appleby from BG Electrical, part of Luceco plc Group. “Robin has more than 20 years’ experience in the surge protection industry and we are delighted he is joining us to share his expertise at the show and we hope installers will come along and ask lots of questions.”