General Criteria
The Electrical Contracting News Awards 2024 are trade-only awards, meaning consumers are not permitted to enter any category. Each award will be judged by an independent expert panel based on the criteria set out for each category. The judges will individually score each entry. There is a qualifying period which will define which entries will be valid. This period is between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024. That means any product launched, or any project completed, before or after these dates will not be eligible to enter.
Each category will have a 500-word limit, plus a further 250 words will be available to explain why you think you deserve to win the award. There will be different criteria for each award category. Please also supply up to three images of the product, plus the company’s logo. Entrants may also supply up to one page of supporting evidence, such as testimonials, press coverage, case studies, spec sheets.
The awards are completely FREE to enter and there is no limit on the number of categories or number of submissions you can tender. Entries will close on 13 September 2024.
Software/App of the Year
Who can enter: The Software/App of the Year category can be entered by either a manufacturer or distributor who has released a software/app solution or significantly updated an existing product during the qualifying period. A representative, such as a PR company, may also enter their client.
When entries close: Your entry should be submitted by 13 September 2024.
What we’re looking for: Why should an electrical contractor choose your software or app?
- Usability: Does your software/app have an intuitive and user-friendly interface that enables easy navigation and efficient usage? Does your software/app possess a comprehensive set of features and functionalities that cater to the needs of electrical contractors? Does your software/app provide comprehensive reporting and analytics features?
- Compatibility: How compatible is your software/app with various operating systems and devices? Does your software/app have the capability to integrate with other relevant tools and software?
- Security: Does your software/app prioritise data security and does it adhere to industry-standard security protocols and comply with relevant data protection regulations?
- Other: Is there anything else that helps your software or app stand out?