16,500+ Hamilton Technical Datasheets now at your finger tips

Ian Hamilton, Hamilton Litestat managing director says, ‘Technical Datasheets are produced for every single item we design, produce and sell to ensure absolute quality control and safety. Although this information has always been made readily available, now the entire listing of technical sheets has been uploaded to our website our customers will benefit from instant 24/7 access to the information.’

A new page has been created on the website under ‘Resources’. The required Technical Datasheet(s) can be easily found via a search tool on the left hand side of the page. Each sheet contains all the necessary and often vital product information needed by the electrical contractor, installer, specifier, architect or interior designer including; a product image, wiring information and full product description plus the vital statistics – from terminal capacity to ambient operating temperature! This section also includes LED lamp compatibility tables, detailing LED lamps already tested and fully compatiable with Hamilton dimmers.

So from January 2015 Hamilton’s customers’ will have 24/7 access to product technical information across the range. But rest assured that Hamilton’s Technical Sales Team will still be on hand to answer specific questions.

For further information on Hamilton’s full range of products and services, please visit: www.hamilton-litestat.com

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