Manrose, a UK-based ventilation manufacturer, in collaboration with Surrey Choices, has welcomed a young fan-enthusiast, Gabriel Hogan, to its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. In response to a social media request from Surrey Choices, an organisation helping people with disabilities and support needs to access work-based alternative education programs, Manrose extended an invitation for Gabriel to spend a day with them. Surrey Choices sought work experience opportunities for Gabriel, who has autism and ADHD, specifically in his area of interest – HVAC and fans.
On an engaging day at the Reading production facility, Gabriel received a comprehensive tour led by Barry Smith, Health and Safety Manager at Manrose. The tour comprised 45-minute visits to each of the key departments, providing Gabriel with opportunities to engage in various steps of the manufacturing process.
During the Mould Shop and Ducting Machines tour, Gabriel gained insights into the manufacturing of key components and had the opportunity to inspect and pack them for customers. Meanwhile, in the fan production department, he gained hands-on experience and built a fan.
In Kit Packing, Barry and the Manrose team supported Gabriel in assembling collections of parts for kits. Lastly, in Goods In and Out, the Warehouse Logistics staff presented a show-and-tell session on picking, packing and shipping stock, allowing him to actively participate in the process.
“It was an absolute pleasure to show Gabriel around the Manrose manufacturing facility,” said Barry. “He’s a very knowledgeable young man who engaged with every stage of the process our products go through – he particularly enjoyed the production and packing parts of the day.”
Gabriel’s mother, Barbara Hogan, expressed immense joy at the experience Gabriel had with Manrose. She says, “He returned from the visit full of excitement and enthusiasm. I would like to thank all the staff who spent time with Gabriel explaining and demonstrating the different stages of production and helping him to be involved. It has fuelled his passion for your products and stimulated his interest in exploring employment possibilities within this industry.”
Gabriel is keen to participate in other placements to further enhance his knowledge and interest in fans and air conditioning. If anyone can offer a placement, please contact