Jobs For The Girls Campaign Nominated For Award


NICEIC’s Jobs for the Girls campaign is up for a gong at this year’s Women in Construction awards.

The campaign has been shortlisted for the ‘Best Staff Training and Development’ award at the ceremony which takes place in Manchester on Wednesday 1st March.

NICEIC CEO Emma Clancy comments: “Although more women are now choosing to take up a career in the trades, the numbers are still painfully low.

“Men outnumber women nine to one in the trades sector and through our Jobs for the Girls campaign we want to change that.

“Since its launch in 2011 the Jobs for the Girls campaign has achieved a lot, but there is still more to do.”

The nomination is in relation to NICEIC’s work with The Sheffield College and the charity WEST (Women in Engineering Science and Technology).

Together, they put on a free taster session for women in the Sheffield area, providing an insight into the work carried out by an electrician.

The session gave women the opportunity to find out more about the work involved and included practical sessions involving wiring up lighting circuits.

Following the event NICEIC offered up a bursary to three women who wanted to become an electrician. NICEIC also offered financial and technical support throughout their studies as well as helping them find work with a local registered contractor.

One of the students, Shauna Wigglesworth, went on to earn an apprenticeship with housing provider The Guinness Partnership. She has also been shortlisted for an award in the ‘Best apprentice aged over 25’ category.

For more information about NICEIC and its Jobs for the Girls campaign visit:

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