It is important to help young people in their career by supporting them with training. With this in mind, at the start of June 2019, Aico enrolled its apprentices onto the Electrical Distributors’ Association (EDA) customer services training module.
The EDA is the trade association representing wholesale distributors of electrotechnical products in the UK. The EDA’s programme of 12 distance-learning training modules is available to members and affiliates and is suitable for both new recruits and for experienced professionals wanting to improve their product skills. Each module delivers professional training on an electrotechnical subject or product area, with businesses free to choose the number and combination of modules that best suits their team.
Aico has had great success with the modules with all five of Aico’s apprentices not only completing the modules, but also passing with distinctions. Apprentices studied ‘What constitutes great customer service’, ‘Why getting it right first time is critical’ and ‘How to speak with more confidence to your customer’.
Owen Terry, Technical Services Advisor for Aico, says, “The module has helped me to talk to customers on a day-to-day basis. I am able to use the information I learnt from the module to collect and communicate information more effectively, which has helped boost my confidence when talking to customers.”
Margaret Fitzsimons, CEO at the EDA, adds, “Congratulations to all of the Aico apprentices for achieving the top grade in their first EDA module. This is a great start to your careers, and we’ll watch your progress with interest.”
Aico is an affiliate member of the EDA and Michael Wright, Product Development Manager for Aico, has contributed to the content of the ‘Fire, Safety and Security Systems’ module which apprentices will be undertaking next.
SBC Training supports and provides Aico with its apprenticeship training schemes and further supported by providing the learning environment for these modules.
Colin Thaw, Managing Director at SBC Training, notes, “It has been great to see Aico investing in the development of their apprentices by enhancing each apprenticeship programme via the use of the EDA training modules. The success of each apprentice has been a great endorsement of their commitment to their own personal growth. The customer service module has been useful for all of the apprentices and underpins the customer driven company ethos that is paramount in the relationship that Aico has with all of its customers and suppliers, we look forward to continuing the successful rollout of the programme with other apprentices in the future”.