A series of top tips videos to help those taking their AM2 or AM2S assessment have been launched by National Electrotechnical Training (NET) as part of a comprehensive website redesign.
With five separate videos covering each section of the AM2 – safe isolation, installation, inspection and testing, fault finding and the online test – the films highlight some of the common areas where candidates fail, pitfalls to avoid and advice on how best to approach the tasks.
Elsewhere on the new website, guidance for candidates, training providers and employers is available to give advice on undertaking an industry End Point Assessment or Assessment of Occupational Competence, how best to prepare and what to expect.
The AM2 has been the means of independently assessing the occupational competence of electrical apprentices for more than 30 years. Following the introduction of the new electrotechnical Apprenticeship Standard in 2015, NET developed the AM2S to meet the new requirement for an ‘End Point Assessment’ for each apprentice.
In addition to its work on AM2 and AM2S, industry charity NET supports other specialist and emerging electrotechnical areas with assessments of competence, including the Fire, Emergency and Security Systems (FESS) End Point Assessment and the Cable Jointing assessment.
“Preparation is key with the AM2 and AM2S and so we hope that the new videos will help candidates go into their assessment with some key hints and tips for success,” says Carolyn Mason, NET Chief Executive. “Teamed with the Readiness for Assessment checklists, also available on the NET website, candidates and their training providers can look closely at what skills will be needed for the assessment and gain greater confidence before they attend.”