Cavell: the healthcare bedhead for optimal patient rest and observation

Comfortable bedhead lighting by day and night. Intended for installation above medical beds in hospitals, care homes, and hospices, Cavell is Thorn Lighting‘s easy to use and custom-designed bedhead luminaire.

Thorn Lighting is pleased to introduce the new Cavell luminaire, which provides low glare and soft lighting for patients, bedded areas, bedrooms, and wards. General lighting areas in healthcare environments need to offer suitable light for nursing procedures while also providing a pleasant, relaxing environment for patients to recover. Cavell does just that.

Downlight, uplight, and dual light modes

The downlight function provides comfortable lighting for patients throughout the day and night and makes examination and observational checks by healthcare professionals easier. Cavell’s optical design ensures that direct glare onto the patient is minimal to promote rest and recovery. Due to its tailored beam angle, the bedhead will not disturb any patients directly opposite.

The uplight ensures that patients, doctors, nurses, and other care staff can safely move around the ward or bedroom. An important feature is that Cavell has been designed with twin drivers to control the up and downlight separately. This dual control can be operated from a nursing station and the patient’s bedside switch.

Reading light

On and around the pillow area, the patient’s reading light should provide a minimum of 300 lux. To improve sleep in hospital wards, the indirect or room lighting source is typically turned off during hours of rest. Any patient who wishes to read or use a personal electronic device can use the bedhead’s downlight in its low-level, dimmed ‘reading mode.’

Observation light

This maintained illumination mode at and around the bedhead position allows caregivers to continuously monitor a patient’s progress during crucial periods, including post-operative care and critical illness.

Design and build

Cavell provides good uniformity and low glare across various bed layouts, considering the patient and those in the surrounding area. The uplight is angled to throw light forward into the room, using reflection from the ceiling to enhance the uplight effect, creating a nice ambience in the room.

Cavell was designed to ensure that the highest quality cleaning procedures required in healthcare environments can be easily carried out. The steel body and two opal diffuser panels are seamless, with no gaps, crevices, or exposed screws for germs, dust, and dirt to accumulate. The luminaire’s flat surfaces promote a straightforward wipe-clean routine, and the pure white paint finish highlights any dirt.

Quick and easy to install

Cavell has been designed with the installer in mind. A five-pin plug-and-play terminal is provided for easy wiring of both the downlight and uplight, enabling fast connection to the in-built twin drivers, while a lightweight backplate has been designed to be secured to the wall first keeping things simple. In addition, the main body can be safely attached to the backplate using dog-clips to ensure the product cannot be dropped during assembly or removal for maintenance.

Jon Lim, Product Manager UK & Ireland, comments, “The Cavell bedhead luminaire was designed with patient comfort and hygiene as a priority. The optical design combines the latest LED technology with the innovative use of reflectors and diffusers. This offers the correct lux levels with a very low glare making the patients’ lighting experience on the ward/suite as comfortable as possible. The steel body and opal diffusers are designed specifically with no hidden dust or bacteria trap, making it easy to clean and therefore maintaining the highest hygiene standards.”

Mark Mattimoe, Thorn’s Head of Application for Education, Office, Healthcare, and Retail, adds, “The Cavell bedhead luminaire marks one of the key cornerstones of a renewed strategy surrounding the Health & Care Application for Thorn Lighting. With its design centred around compliance to SLL Lighting Guide 2: Lighting for Healthcare Premises (2019), Thorn now has a strong offering for bedded areas and wards for hospitals, care homes, and hospices that is tailored to provide comfortable and controllable lighting for patients and healthcare staff to assist in treatment and recovery.”

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