The Electrical Safety Roundtable (ESR) in the Home group has collaborated to create a useful guidance document to assist landlords in understanding The Renting Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) (Wales) Regulations 2022.
The new Welsh Regulations, which are set to take effect for all new tenancies from 1 December 2022, and all existing tenancies from 1 December 2023, introduce three new legal requirements on landlords of both social and private rented residential properties. These are:
- To ensure the presence of smoke alarms in proper working order
- To ensure the presence of carbon monoxide alarms in proper working order
- To ensure the periodic inspection and testing of electrical installations
The Guidance, available to read in English and Welsh, details the requirements of the Regulations and provides answers to frequently asked questions compiled from the experiences of English landlords following the introduction of the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.
Theresa Wallace, Chair of The Lettings Industry Council comments: “As committed participants of the Electrical Safety Roundtable we are very pleased that the group has published easily accessible, free guidance for landlords with properties in Wales to assist with their understanding and compliance with The Fitness for Human Habitation (Wales) Regulations 2022. There is always a period of adjustment and familiarisation when new Regulations are introduced, and guidance of this kind is an example of the proactive and supportive role the Roundtable plays in enhancing electrical safety standards across the UK.”
The FAQs cover topics such as understanding an Electrical Installation Condition Report, how to ensure the electrical contractor used is qualified and competent in relation to inspection testing and remedial work and what written confirmation is needed to demonstrate remedial work has been completed.