BGEN has partnered with sustainable waste management expert, Envirovue, to help hit its net zero plans by reducing waste outputs across the organisation.
BGEN works internationally with businesses such as ExxonMobil and EDF. As well as focusing on the reduction of single-use waste and increasing recycling levels across its site, the organisation has committed to being net zero by 2035.
The scope of work includes BGEN transitioning all of its waste streams, including site waste plastics, packaging, WEEE and hazardous waste from office and factory locations across the business to Envirovue in order to increase recycling levels.
BGEN appointed Envirovue as the organisation was able to offer the end-to-end solutions to help meet its waste-based sustainability goals. In addition to combing waste management models with circular economy principals to ultimately reduce waste and lower BGEN’s carbon footprint, Envirovue will be off-setting residual emission through innovative ‘gold standard’ partnership programmes in Africa. An example of one of these projects is providing more efficient cookstoves for coffee farmers in Ethiopia, which reduces the use of wood and CO2 emissions by 40%. The scheme also decreases deforestation, improves biodiversity and prevents the inhalation of harmful smoke.
Daniel Redfern, Director at Envirovue says: “Supporting businesses to play their part in reducing carbon emissions and improving their sustainability initiatives is key to what we do, so we are thrilled to be working with BGEN to manage its waste streams in the most environmentally friendly way possible. We’ve already implemented some quick changes that can minimise waste, and we are looking forward to seeing how our work will support the organisation and its clients in the long term”.
“As a business we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint as soon as possible, with the £500,000 investment to transform our headquarters into a net zero building a good example of this” says Oliver Groarke, Head of Sustainability at BGEN. “We’ve partnered with Envirovue to help transform how our waste is managed and processed. Its offsetting programme in Africa was of particular interest given our own operation and sustainability objectives in Nigeria.”