Ahead of this year’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work, ladder and access specialist WernerCo is urging contractors and businesses to be aware of the dangers of working at height.
Taking place on Sunday, 28th April, this year’s World Day comes at an important time for occupational health in the UK, with a recent report from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) revealing that the number of work-related fatalities rose in 2023 from 123 to 135.
Of these, falls from height contribute to the greatest number of deaths in the workplace. HSE stats reveal that fatalities linked to falls from height in the workplace increased by 30% last year; a sure sign, WernerCo believes, that more education is needed to ensure safe working at height.
Dave Elson, Compliance Manager at WernerCo UK, takes up the story: “For many tradespeople, working at height is just a routine part of the job – whether that’s simply climbing a ladder or working for extended periods of time on access platforms. While working at height is nothing out of the ordinary for tradespeople, they (nor their employers) should never forget the inherent risks that come with such working practices.
“The newest statistics from the HSE demonstrate why initiatives such as World Day for Safety and Health at Work are so important. As a leading ladder and platform manufacturer, we were particularly alarmed by the number of fatalities attributed to falls from height; a quarter of all work-related deaths and 8% of non-fatal workplace injuries per year.
“There are a number of simple steps contractors can take to minimise the risk of falls from height. These include taking the time to undertake a proper risk assessment, ensuring they are using the right equipment for the job at hand, ensuring that they only ever use ladders intended for professional use and that they follow all the recommended protocols whilst at height.
“As a manufacturer, we also understand our responsibility for ensuring the safe usage of our products. That’s why we have recently spoken out against mixing and matching components for access towers, which we manufacture via our BoSS brand. Using components by different manufacturers is against common safety protocols and can leave workers at risk of injury – or worse – should the components fail.”
To help further promote safe working practices among professionals, WernerCo’s team of safety experts have also developed five working at height guides, covering key topics including:
• Tips for safe ladder use at height
• How employers can reduce risk for personnel working at height
• How to choose the best ladder for a job
• Key things to consider when selecting a ladder
• How to inspect your ladder before starting a job
To view Werner’s ladder safety guides, visit www.wernerco.com/uk/ladder-safety.
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