Beama recommends next steps on governments green new Ten Point Plan

Beama applauds the objectives for the green economy, and the very significant new targets for green transport and heating. As leaders in the electrical industry, we look forward to continuing to work with Government on these policies, moving towards achieving our net-zero targets, and at the same time growing our industries in the UK.

Beama CEO Dr Howard Porter says: “I welcome this Ten Point Plan as the most ambitious plan yet to transform the UK energy industry. Beama and its 200 members are already helping Government develop the necessary solutions behind these targets.’’

“The Plan is a great opportunity to align policy, short term funding cycles and development of standards to ensure compliant and safe products in the market. We welcome the extension of the Green Homes Grant for another year – let’s use this time to demonstrate how to decarbonise all buildings. The plans for electric vehicles, and by extension EV chargers, are equally important, and the energy systems needed to deliver on these ambitious targets should receive similar focus.’’

“Government and other stakeholders can now work with the CCC and other expert groups on the level of funding and pace of change needed. Beama members have already signed up to a net-zero pledge and will continue to support both policy development and rollout of key technologies in the field.’’

“The employment opportunities offered by these plans are potentially significant for both raw numbers of new people working on green initiatives and the upskilling needed to work in these new digital technologies. This is an opportunity for the Government to establish support for the high-level skills needed in our industry and focus its industrial strategy on the electrical green future.”

Beama President Patrick Caiger-Smith and Chairman of GEO adds: “I applaud the government for setting out these initiatives which can make a big contribution to the net zero target if implemented well. Electrifying transport and domestic heating are essential, but Government must make sure when designing grant and support schemes that they do not become lotteries or have cliff edge deadlines. Standards of installation must also be maintained – too many national programmes around the world for improving energy use have been blighted by poor quality control or lack of trained resource. It’s also essential that we look at heating and chargers in the home holistically, particularly that controls are integrated. We must not encourage technologies that will make the task of balancing the grid more difficult or have unintended consequences.”

President elect, Mike Hughes, President of Schneider Electric UK, concludes: “The electrical industry is vital for supplying safe and green energy from the point of generation and distribution through to factories, offices and homes all in a smart and connected manner. I look forward to working with the whole of the electrical supply industry to deliver our zero-carbon electric future and delivering significant job creation.”


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