Trimble has announced support for the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, an international professional engineering association focused on the building services industry. The two organizations worked together to develop CIBSE’s Software Verification Assessment (SVA), a certification process for software used to create building system designs such as mechanical, electrical and plumbing (M&E). The process checks the quality of calculations performed by M&E design software platforms, assuring design engineers’ calculations are in accordance with CIBSE standards.
In order to support CIBSE in developing an independent software certification process, Trimble has worked closely with other industry design software providers, as part of CIBSE’s Digital Engineering Steering Group.
As part of the software verification process, Trimble’s engineering design software for M&E, Stabicad, now carries the CIBSE SVA certification for its ventilation calculations module and heating & cooling water systems calculations module. These modules are both a first to receive CIBSE certification in the UK. In addition, other Stabicad modules are expected to be assessed later this year.
“Software that is being used to create building services system designs is getting more and more capable of performing calculations,” says Carl Collins, head of Digital Engineering at CIBSE and lead behind the development of the SVA. “However, many engineers often wonder whether calculations are correct, especially in the case of new or updated software. To eliminate the need for lengthy and cumbersome testing of software calculations against manual calculations, CIBSE has worked with Trimble as one of the main partners, to create the Software Verification Assessment, or SVA. Through the SVA we can perform these tests and checks for our members. Any calculation bearing the SVA logo can be trusted to perform calculations according to CIBSE methods and provide the results expected.”
“Trimble is committed to the digital transformation of the construction industry,” says Lawrence Smith, general manager of Trimble’s MEP Division. “Trimble’s strategy for the construction industry revolves around constructible, connected and content-enabled models. Independent verifications around the quality of data add to our customers? confidence and business result.”
Pete Foster is head of Business Analytics Systems Information Connectivity at Exyte Hargreaves UK, a leading construction engineering business. Exyte has taken a prominent role within the CIBSE SVA initiative. “The need to utilize continuous workflows across the design-to-manufacture environment is critical,” comments Foster. “Revit is our design platform; however, it requires sophisticated software and content to meet the needs of the M&E industry. Trimble and the Stabicad solution bridge the gap within the overall constructible process, ensuring the data flow exists across these and other solutions and business needs, which makes data quality ever so important.”