Electric car drivers can now charge with an app

Mode for Electric Vehicles (EV mode) has been a part of the Sygic GPS Navigation since May 2020, when Sygic launched the app mode worldwide and with integrated payment in 38 countries with 150,000 charging points. More than 100,000 unique users have activated the mode since then. The most active users come from Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.

The more charging stations are in the app and specific routing planner there are for EV, the higher the popularity of the app is. Up to now, Sygic is the first and only app providing all services in one: GPS navigation, route planner with integrated, still growing charging stations database, and integrated payment for charging in the app.

Smart guide for free
EV mode is free for any Sygic GPS Navigation user. It is active by switching on a slide-toggle in the app – no additional installs or registrations are needed. Drivers can choose their car model from the extensive database of electric and plug-in hybrid cars with predefined battery, average consumption, and connector type. Users can also adjust all the parameters based on their real-life experience. After adding the compatible charging point to the navigation route and checking its real-time availability, the driver only selects the payment method, charge and pays for the service.

The number of charging points has doubled and continues to increase
After Europe’s largest charging network provider – Plugsurfing, in 2020, Sygic entered into several new partnerships that allowed a further extension of the charging points’ network. New partners cover charging stations in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Balkan countries. In Sygic GPS Navi, you can find charging points from providers such as Greenway, Polyfazer, eJoin and Unicorn.

“These new partnerships are essential for coverage in local markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Together, we offer unique, hassle-free solutions for electric vehicle drivers. We are supporting the mass adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles. In addition, we plan to cooperate on a deeper integration for easier usage of all services. We want to give our users the freedom to choose their preferred provider,” says vice president for electromobility Petr Füzék.

Travel, charge and pay with one app is the future
There are currently more than 200,000 charging points with the possibility of payments, either directly in-app or via RFID in the Sygic’s EV mode. The goal is to make in-app payments available at as many charging points as possible. However, the preference of the users is the highest priority. According to Sygic’s survey, the share of its EV mode users preferring payment via the app is comparable to those who prefer RFID cards or doesn’t matter the payment method. Paying through the navigation app is considered a great benefit. Nearly 40% of respondents regard recharging as very easy or easy; most of the respondents still need more time to get familiar with public recharging when travelling long distances.

In 2021, the network of charging points will continue growing. In the future, Sygic plans to add even more dedicated features for electric vehicles and create an all-in-one driving assistant, helping users with routing. It will consider the specifics of the EV car model, range, traffic, and other factors, making the transition from combustion engine cars even easier. This trend is also confirmed by EV Driver Survey Report 2020, where 67% of electric car drivers stated that they will hardly go to a fuel station anymore.

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