Kentec Protects Bank In Johannesburg

Kentec, fire panel manufacturer and specialist in extinguishant technology, is protecting a major Barclays Bank installation in Johannesburg, South Africa with a new life safety system. The system is based around the company’s control panel technology.

The new system is an L1 system configuration, featuring a new network of four Kentec Syncro AS analogue addressable fire control panels, while the open protocol system offers Apollo analogue Series 65 devices and call points. The safety system was supplied and installed by SFP Security & Fire (Pty) Ltd.

Kentec has built upon existing extinguishant protection in certain areas, such as server and data rooms, MV and LV rooms and generator and diesel tank rooms. Protection of these areas has been extended with five Sigma XT+ Extinguishing Control Panels, in addition to the current network of fifteen Sigma XT Panels. Four Kentec Syncro AS analogue addressable fire control panels monitor the extinguishing control panels through multiple three channel interface units, which form part of the addressable building detection loops.

Designed to comply with the requirements of EN12094-1, EN54-2 and EN54-4, Kentec’s Sigma XT Extinguishing Control Panel range features three detection zones as standard. This allows any zone or combination of zones to be configured to release the extinguishant gas and offers the of configuration first stage sounder and detection, with an instant manual release facility. Compatible with Intrinsically Safe barriers, the Kentec Sigma XT has been designed to be used in hazardous areas.

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