NAPIT Urges Industry To Comment On The 18th Edition

After the success of NAPIT’s first webinar on the 18th Edition of The Wiring Regulations Draft for Public Comment (DPC) on the 6th of June, NAPIT is pleased to announce that it will be running more webinars related to this topic in the coming weeks.

The sessions will be presented by NAPIT group technical director, Frank Bertie, and NAPIT technical development engineer, Richard Townsend, and will give you the chance to gain an exclusive insight into the DPC and ask questions of both experts.

The dates and webinar topics are as follows:

Tuesday 27th June: How to use the DPC, Part 5, 7 & 8

 Tuesday 25th July: How to use the DPC, Part 6 & Appendices

 Tuesday 8th August: The 18th Edition DPC and changes that may have significant consequences

The DPC went live to the public on 5th June and the industry now has until 23rd August to provide comments.

To be able to review and comment on BS 7671:2018 18th Edition of The IET Wiring Regulations, you must register on the BSI website with your details. This allows you to comment on all future BSI documents, not just BS 7671.

The provision for submitting comments on the DPC is straightforward, but it is important to stress that any comment must include the reasoning behind the comment for any particular regulation and must be accompanied by a proposal for the ideal change to the regulation. Without any proposal for change, your comment will not be accepted.

NAPIT group technical director, Frank Bertie comments: “It is important that everyone involved in the electrical industry reviews and submits comments to ensure the continuation of electrical safety in our industry. The series of upcoming webinars presented by NAPIT will give advice on how to comment on the DPC, and look at how the proposed changes will affect the 18th edition publication going forward.”

To sign up and make comment on the DPC please use the following link:

NAPIT members can register to attend any of the webinars for FREE by logging onto the NAPIT Forum:

You can also view any previous NAPIT webinars at:

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