NICEIC has further underlined its support to its 38,000 certified businesses through the delivery of class-leading digital tools.
The line-up, which includes a record-breaking series of the webinar programme THE WIRE and the all-new NICEIC Pocket Guide app, further strengthens the suite of free and exclusive tools available to NICEIC certified businesses.
In the first six months of 2022, THE WIRE, NICEIC’s CPD certified hit technical webinar programme, went from strength to strength. Achieving over 45,000 views, beating previous records, and exceeding numbers seen during the whole of 2021, the latest series delivered 15 episodes covering key topics such as Amendment 2 of BS 7671 and Maximum Demand and Diversity.
Adding to this success, the brand extended its digital line-up, introducing the all-new NICEIC Pocket Guide app. Launched last month, the app allows NICEIC users to access over 35 technical reference guides and handy calculators via their handheld devices. In the weeks since its launch, the app has been downloaded by over 20,000 users and gained a top five spot on Apple’s Business App Download Chart with a rating of 4.8/5 stars.
“We are absolutely delighted with the success seen both with THE WIRE and the Pocket Guide app,” says Paul Collins, NICEIC’s Head of Technical Services. “Not only are the numbers fantastic, which is an excellent indicator, but the candid and positive feedback we are receiving is also hugely encouraging.
“We are committed to building on this success and continuing on our quest to ensure that we deliver the tools our customers need to remain at the forefront of the industry.”
If your business is certified with NICEIC, and you or your staff would like to download the NICEIC Pocket Guide app for free, please search NICEIC Pocket Guide app via your chosen app store. Or if you are certified with NICEIC and would like to view any of the episodes from the previous series of THE WIRE, please click here.