Stadium Not Alight

Sunderland Stadium

Geofire’s Salamander radio controlled fire door closers are proving to be a success at the home of Premier League football club Sunderland AFC.

The wire free system was installed at the Stadium of Light to ease access throughout the ground, protecting the building and its inhabitants, should a fire occur.

In the event of a fire alarm, the doors in the stadium will close on receipt of a radio signal from a mains powered controller unit, which is easily connected to the existing fire alarm system.

With space for 49,000 spectators, the Stadium of Light has the sixth largest capacity of any English football stadium. Holding open fire doors at the club is essential for creating restriction free movement around the building in line with the Disability Discrimination Act, improving ventilation and ensuring the safety of match goers and employees during busy periods.

One controller unit can manage up to 99 fire door closers or fire door holders; a Salamander booster is also available and can extend the range of an installation by up to 50m.

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