Red Arrow Electrical Distribution is aiming to raise at least £100K for charity by selling branded face masks to anyone who needs them.
“Lockdown has proved to be a very difficult time for the electrical industry, with many contractors on furlough and some wholesalers closing their doors to trade. But with positive movement within the industry in recent weeks, Red Arrow have been working on an initiative to fundraise for charity,” says Red Arrow.
Donating profits from the proceeds to a charity of their choice, Red Arrow is selling branded face masks to anyone who needs them – and with the move to make it mandatory, they are ideal to use on all forms of public transport.
Made from disposable 3ply material, Red Arrow’s standard, everyday face masks are manufactured and tested to conform to relevant standards and will not divert much needed PPE away from the NHS.
Whether you need one, 10 or 100 boxes, call Red Arrow on 0114 279 8999 to place an order and help Red Arrow reach its aim of raising £100,000 or more for charity.