‘Reduce Energy Bills, Install Renewables’ events

As you will be aware, on average 75 per cent of household energy bills are as a result of heating & hot water. If your customer’s home or property is off the main gas grid, they could receive up to £2,250 a year with the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and by installing a renewable heat technology they could cut their bills at the same time.

What is the domestic RHI?

It’s a financial incentive designed to make renewable heating a real choice for homeowners. If your customers have high heating bills, paying for oil, LPG or even electric heating, they are the most likely to benefit. 

I’m interested. What next?

Come along to a free evening event in your area and hear more about the incentive, speak to installers and see eligible technologies.


18:30              Arrival and refreshments
19:00              Event begins: Welcome and introductions
19:30              Renewable Heat Incentive: Opportunities & options, which technologies fit which properties
20:15              Network with regional attendees
21:00              Event ends
Roadshow in Aberdeen – 10-Feb
Roadshow in Inverness – 11-Feb
Roadshow in Glasgow – 12-Feb
Roadshow in Hampshire – 17-Feb
Roadshow in Sussex – 18-Feb
Roadshow in Oxfordshire – 19-Feb
Roadshow in Suffolk – 24-Feb
Roadshow in Norfolk – 25-Feb
Roadshow in Lincolnshire – 26-Feb
Roadshow in Nottingham – 10-Mar
Roadshow in York – 11-Mar
Roadshow in Stoke – 12-Mar
Roadshow in Somerset – 17-Mar
Roadshow in Devon – 18-Mar
Roadshow in Cornwall – 19-Mar

These events are sponsored by Sustainable Building Solutions and delivered by the Department of Energy and Climate Change

For further information go to gov.uk/rhi


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