Calling all bright sparks… SkillELECTRIC 2022 now open for entries

SkillELECTRIC application

Talented electrotechnical students are being encouraged to register for this year’s SkillELECTRIC competition. The application window is now open and runs until 1 April 2022.

The event, which is organised by National Electrotechnical Training (NET) and is part of the WorldSkills UK competition network, is designed to promote and showcase high standards and skills across the electrotechnical industry.

During the competition, entrants will be judged on a series of challenging tests in a bid to be named the 2022 SkillELECTRIC champion.

All those who register will take part in a brand new ‘Passive’ stage for this year, which involves an online, interactive app-based task which is timed and tests skills around health and safety, inspection and testing, regulations, electrical principles and installation practices and procedures.

The top scoring competitors from the Passive stage will be invited to take part in one of nine national qualifying events across the UK during May-June and complete a challenging practical task.

Those who score most highly at the live heats will progress to the UK grand final and, beyond this, may also have the chance to represent their country and compete internationally at WorldSkills Lyon 2024.

Scolmore Group is continuing its support of the competition and, in a new partnership for this year, SkillELECTRIC is pleased to welcome NICEIC as its latest sponsor.

“If you’ve got a shining star in your company or classroom, we encourage you to enter them into SkillELECTRIC,” says Jennie Phung, SkillELECTRIC Project Manager. “Taking part not only contributes to an apprentice’s 20% off the job training requirement, it also teaches competitors to work efficiently under pressure and improves time management, precision and confidence.”

Richard Sagar won the 2007 SkillELECTRIC competition and went on to win an international gold medal in WorldSkills 2009. He now owns luxury home automation company Sagar Smart Homes with clients all over the globe. “The SkillELECTRIC competition provided me the foundation and pathway to elevate my career in a way I could never have thought possible,” he comments.

“The opportunity to test yourself against the UK’s best in your industry is almost certainly a once in a lifetime opportunity, and for the skilled and lucky few who compete for the opportunity to represent your country, you can look forward to a life-changing journey.”

Register before 1 April 2022 here.

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