An electrical test and measurement company has linked up with a leading UK university in a new digital initiative to help students understand the importance of portable appliance testing (PAT).
Experts from Seaward have provided 76 students on electrical and electronics engineering courses at Birmingham University’s Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering with an overview of PAT, why it’s important to carry out tests and UKCA marking, via new online seminars.
The eLearning initiative, which also covered the benefits of using the latest PAT testers, how to spot counterfeit products and a live Q&A at the end of the session, comes as part of Seaward’s commitment to boosting core engineering skills development and learning. It also reflects the company’s wider move to help young people looking to pursue a career in electrical and electronics related sectors.
After the success of the first event, an ‘electrical testing’ overview session is being planned as a follow up to help students further understand PAT testing, as the issue is likely to feature at some time in their future career roles.
Richard Slade, UK field sales manager at Seaward Group, says he was invited by the university to present to the students. He comments: “We had a good number attend as the initiative was scheduled into the student’s timetables. Developing links with universities and other academic facilities is a key part of securing the company’s current and future workforce needs and helping people taking up electrical and electronics roles to understand better what’s involved in PAT testing.
“It also helps us to tap into the fresh insight and academic prowess that students bring as part of our commitment to supporting skills development and learning. We have a strategy to grow and increase our engineering capabilities through nurturing strong academic links, which has become a beneficial part of our plans.”
Electrical engineering student Tray Carty says: “The session was extremely useful, providing a thorough understanding and insight into important electrical equipment testing processes and how they can improve workplace safety. This helps us to boost our own core engineering skills and development, which we can then take forward in any future job.”