Crystal Clear BIM – keynote speakers announced for 17th and 18th June
Amtech Group has confirmed that the keynote speakers for its two day ‘Crystal Clear BIM’ conference at the Crystal Building in London will be Roy Evans of the BIM Task Group GSL Workgroup and Professor David Philp, head of BIM with the Cabinet Office and with international construction company Mace.
Reflecting the conference’s focus on the practical implementation of BIM, Roy Evans will talk on ‘The importance of catering for FM from conception to handover’ on the first day (17th June), while Professor Philp will provide an overview of the Government Construction Strategy with regards to BIM on day two (18th June).
Throughout, the conference will take a ‘no nonsense’, ‘no BIM wash’ approach, concentrating on BIM in a real life context and providing accurate, sensible advice. It will address the needs of those who are already in the process of implementing BIM and those who are looking for guidance on where to begin.
Other speakers will include:
• Ismena Clout, chair of the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM)
• Nick Tune, director BRE Wales & South West, CEO BRE Canada, director/business manager Building Smart UK
• Steve Race, architect and former BIM regional ambassador, Construction Industry Council
• Ben Haldin, CEO Fulcro
• David Throssell, UK BIM technical manager, Skanska
• Gary Ross, director of BIM Solutions, Amtech Group
• Alexandra Grounds, BIM director – Applied BIM technologies, Amtech Group
There will also be opportunities to examine the unique architecture of the Crystal Building, one of the world’s greenest buildings.
For full details and to book a place visit: