The Electrical Safety Roundtable has worked collaboratively to create two new technical summary leaflets to promote a better understanding of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EWAR).
The leaflets have been produced in collaboration with over 25 different organisations after concerns were raised about the lack of understanding and compliance seen within workplaces in relation to managing electrical safety. It was suggested that this may be because of the multitude of complex and overlapping regulations which can make it challenging to understand what is needed- which is what these freely available leaflets have been created to assist with.
The initial two summaries are the first of many to be part of an extensive collection of technical advice documents and summaries of important regulations to enhance electrical safety. The first leaflet provides a three-page overview of the EAWR and the second focuses on systems. It is hoped that the leaflets will be welcomed as useful for raising awareness of the importance of the EAWR and enhance compliance with them.
Commenting on the leaflets, Paul Meenan, ESR Workplace Chair says: ‘These leaflets are a welcome step in enhancing industry knowledge of the Electricity at Work Regulations. Often these complex Regulations are skimmed through or overlooked, and these leaflets provide a great overview and starting point for understanding the full Regulations. As a group we hope these leaflets will add to an ever-increasing culture of enhanced health and safety in workplaces. I look forward to working with the technical experts of the ESR Workplace Group and producing more leaflets in the future.’
Whilst these leaflets provide a useful overview and introduction to the EAWR they are in no way a substitute for reading and understanding the Electricity at Work Regulations in full.